Indoor Cycling – The perfect complement to your running program

Posted on Nov 16, 2020, by

Whether you’ve been a runner for life, have picked it up the past few years or you’re training for your first half marathon – cross training should be one of the key parts of any runner’s workout program. What is one of the best ways to cross train? Indoor cycling, commonly referred to as “spin.”

Although there are MANY, here are just 4 of the reasons why you should be adding spin into your weekly workout routine, runner or not:

  1. It’s a low impact, full body workout. A stationary bike provides a low impact workout that is easy on the joints and gives you the ability to create a full-body experience. You can build muscle strength, increase your cardiovascular endurance, work your core & more – all from riding in place. Climbing giant hills will keep those legs feeling strong, increasing your resistance while changing positions creates a tremendous “crunchless” core workout. And, did you know you can lift weights while riding? Using light weight dumbbells while riding helps you build lean muscle and tone your upper body, all while still working your lower body.
  2. A heart healthy killer calorie burner. Increasing your heart rate through cardiovascular exercise increases your heart rate which strengthens your heart. Our heart is a muscle and just like we’d weight train our biceps or shoulders, we need to be sure to engage in activities that help make our hearts stronger. Running, especially intervals or sprints, is a great way to work the heart. Another activity that is great for strengthening the heart? Spin! Classes vary in the steepness of the hills and length of the sprints, but each of these exercises increases your heart rate for an extended period of time. This helps you burn an average of 300-600+ calories in a 45-minute class.
  3. We are stronger when we ride together. Spin is one of the most inclusive workouts you can do. Any fitness level can ride at their own pace and resistance all while still riding side by side with others in the room. It’s a group ride where no one gets left behind. You have the accountability of knowing others are right there with you on every drill, each at their own level, and encouraging each other every step of the way.
  4. It’s about the body, but it’s also fun! The right spin class will have you feeling motivated and inspired to push harder than you would riding on your own. A killer workout is even better when it’s something you constantly look forward to, as well as, one that helps you feel motivated and inspired after class – it’s called a “spinners high.”

Keeping it safe. Sharing is caring, just not at spin. During this COVID environment we live in, it’s important to avoid high-touch services to do our part to slow the spread. Every rider gets their own equipment for the entire workout. With spin class, you never move around the room. You stay stationary on your own bike, maintaining a safe distance from the person next to you, using your own weights, drinking your own water, etc.

Our studio has 1,800 square feet of space that houses 12-20 bikes each class. This allows for 9+ feet in between each rider to ensure extra health & safety measures are taken. Our studio is sanitized from top to bottom by our staff after each class so riders can feel confident that the equipment they are using and the space they are exercising in is safe.

About the author: Kenzi Weidman is the owner of Evolution Cycle Studio (known as “EVO”), the Valley’s ONLY Premium Indoor Cycling Studio. They offer full-body spin classes utilizing performance technology and varied class formats to create a unique mind-body experience you won’t find anywhere else. A fully inclusive atmosphere that is fit for every fitness level. The room is dark, the instructors are motivational & the community members feel like family. Come try your first class and you’ll see! Follow us on Instagram or Facebook @evocyclestudio or visit to learn more.”

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